Thursday, May 7, 2015

(Posts from the Author) And...


They didn't take my short story submission. 

Of COURSE they didn't take it (please read 5/5/15 blog on how the acceptance rate is 2 percent, they reject good stories, etc. etc.)

Yeah, I know all that... and still it's sorta, well... painful.

It hurts to be rejected. Just flat, plain hurts. It always does, whether rejection comes from an epublisher, a "kick-ass" writing group, a he-man club, or a crying 3-year-old. Anytime someone takes a look at you and says "Nu-uh," you can't help but feel cut up a little. Unless you're a sociopath, in which case, well, you've got that going for you...

So, anyway... yeah, I knew they'd reject it, and it still sucks. But I went into it knowing it was going to hurt, and ready for the pain. Which, honestly, is like a SUPERHERO feat. Seriously. To set yourself up, knowing it's going to hurt... damn. That's strength.
Papercut. Looks prettier than it feels.  

It's not going to ruin my day or anything. 'Tis but a scratch to the soul. A widdle baby paper cut, if you will. Stings. I'll get over it.

One paper cut down, a hundred more to come.

As always, thanks for being here.


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