Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Post from the Author -- Long Time, No Post


I know, it's been a long time.

I've been working.

There was that whole NaNoWriMo thing that took up my November (I'm a winner, by the way!). And then December, in which I spent much time not writing. Then I got caught with two books checked out from the library at the same time, and one due before I could finish, and I had to read like the wind...

Excuses, excuses.

At any rate, here's an update:

1. I've finished my Nano manuscript, tentatively titled, "The Devil You Know." It was a story about a woman... and now it's become apparent that it's far more interesting as a story about her father. That's where all the cool stuff happens! I've been caught in this trap before -- writing about characters talking about all the cool stuff that happened, and not actually writing the cool stuff. So, I'm still writing, still reworking, which is making the second draft a real bitch.

It gets boring in places. Neil Gaiman, via Twitter, once advised writers to ask themselves "what if...?", I've been what-ifing this novel, with really creative results!

2. I've discovered Scrivener. I'm using the trial. I'll most likely buy. It allows you break down your novel into well organized chapters (you can skip back and forth very easily). It also has a cork board where you can pin chapter summaries, etc etc. But what I really love is how it will format your book for you. Into whatever. You want an eBook to read on your Kindle? You've got it. I love it so much. Even if the second draft re-write is still hell, at least I have help.

3. I dug up my 2009 Nano novel, titled "Glory, Hallelujah." Not a great name for it, but holy crap is this thing amazing! I wrote this? In a month!!! I remember putting it away and barely touching it for rewrites. Good lord, it's good. Good characters, good story. Funny fun dialogue. I'm a freaking genius (not really)! Is THIS the book that I should shop around for an agent? If I can ever get through rewriting this Devil of a novel, I'll send Glory through the Scrivener process and see what happens.

Is it the time? Does it really take, like, six years for a novel to properly marinate? I tried reading last year's novel, "Wizards," again recently. Nope, still effing sick of those kids. Maybe they need 5 more year. Maybe they all need to graduate college first.

4. What do I do with all those damn short stories I wrote last year? They're all good; not great. I may self-publish them, just for a vanity run. I always tell myself this. They're all just for me, anyway, right?

Which brings me to...

5. I promise to have something put together this year. I have so many first drafts of things. Time to do something productive with something. I've got the talent. All I need is the freaking time.

Good luck, and may fortune await you in 2016,